Source code for robots.poses.position

# coding=utf-8
import logging; logger = logging.getLogger("robots.position")

import math
import numpy
import transformations

[docs]class UnknownFrameError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class InvalidFrameError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]class FrameProvider(object):
[docs] def get_transform(self, frame): """ Returns the transformation between this frame and the map. If the frame is unknown, raises UnknownFrameError. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs]class PoseManager(object): """ A pose is for us a dict ``{'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z, 'qx':qx, 'qy':qy, 'qz':qz, 'qw':qw, 'frame':frame}``, ie a (x, y, z) cartesian pose in meter interpreted in a specific reference frame, and a quaternion describing the orientation of the object in radians. This class helps with: - converting from other convention to our convention, - converting back to other conventions. """ def __init__(self, robot): self.robot = robot self.frame_providers = []
[docs] def add_frame_provider(self, provider): self.frame_providers.append(provider)
[docs] def quaternion_from_euler(rx, ry, rz): return transformations.quaternion_from_euler(rx, ry, rz, 'sxyz')
[docs] def euler(self, pose): pose = self.get(pose) return transformations.euler_from_quaternion([pose['qx'], pose['qy'], pose['qz'], pose['qw']], 'sxyz')
[docs] def normalizedict(pose): if not 'x' in pose: pose['x'] = 0.0 else: pose['x'] = float(pose['x']) if not 'y' in pose: pose['y'] = 0.0 else: pose['y'] = float(pose['y']) if not 'z' in pose: pose['z'] = 0.0 else: pose['z'] = float(pose['z']) if not 'qx' in pose: pose['qx'] = 0.0 else: pose['qx'] = float(pose['qx']) if not 'qy' in pose: pose['qy'] = 0.0 else: pose['qy'] = float(pose['qy']) if not 'qz' in pose: pose['qz'] = 0.0 else: pose['qz'] = float(pose['qz']) if not 'qw' in pose: pose['qw'] = 1.0 else: pose['qw'] = float(pose['qw']) if not 'frame' in pose: pose['frame'] = 'map' return pose
[docs] def normalizelist(self, pose): if len(pose) == 3: x,y,z = pose return self.normalizedict({'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z}) if len(pose) == 4 and isinstance(pose[3], basestring): # we assume the last arg is the frame x,y,z, frame = pose return self.normalizedict({'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z, 'frame': frame}) if len(pose) == 6: x,y,z, rx, ry, rz = pose qx,qy,qz,qw = self.quaternion_from_euler(rx, ry, rz) return self.normalizedict({'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z, 'qx':qx, 'qy':qy, 'qz':qz, 'qw':qw}) if len(pose) == 7: if isinstance(pose[6], basestring): # we assume the last arg is the frame x,y,z, rx, ry, rz, frame = pose qx,qy,qz,qw = self.quaternion_from_euler(rx, ry, rz) return self.normalizedict({'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z, 'qx':qx, 'qy':qy, 'qz':qz, 'qw':qw, 'frame': frame}) else: # otherwise, we assume translation + quaternion x,y,z, qx, qy, qz, qw = pose return self.normalizedict({'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z, 'qx':qx, 'qy':qy, 'qz':qz, 'qw':qw}) if len(pose) == 8 and isinstance(pose[7], basestring): # we assume the last arg is the frame x,y,z, qx, qy, qz, qw, frame = pose return self.normalizedict({'x':x, 'y':y, 'z':z, 'qx':qx, 'qy':qy, 'qz':qz, 'qw':qw, 'frame': frame}) raise RuntimeError("Don't know what to do with pose as array %s" % str(pose))
[docs] def normalize(self, pose): if isinstance(pose, list) or isinstance(pose, tuple): return self.normalizelist(pose) if isinstance(pose, dict): return self.normalizedict(pose) raise RuntimeError("normalize() takes either lists or dict as input. Got %s." % pose)
def __getitem__(self, raw): """ Implements the PoseManager[] operator as an alias for PoseManager.get() """ return self.get(raw) def __contains__(self, raw): try: self.get(raw) return True except UnknownFrameError: return False
[docs] def get(self, raw): """ takes a loosly defined 'pose' as input and returns a properly formatted and normalized pose. Input may be: * a frame * an incomplete pose dictionary * a list or tuple (x,y,z), (x,y,z,frame) or (z,y,z,rx,ry,rz) or (x,y,z,qx,qy,qz,qw) """ pose = None if isinstance(raw, basestring) or isinstance(raw, int): for provider in self.frame_providers: try: pose = provider.get_transform(raw) return self.normalize(pose) except UnknownFrameError: pass raise UnknownFrameError("Unknown object or frame '%s'" % raw) else: return self.normalize(raw)
[docs] def myself(self): """ Returns the current robot's pose, ie the pose of the ROS TF 'base_link' frame. """ return self.get("/base_link")
[docs] def distance(self, pose1, pose2 = "base_link"): """ Returns the euclidian distance between two pyRobots poses. If the second pose is omitted, "base_link" is assumed (ie, distance between a pose and the robot itself). """ p1 = self.get(pose1) p2 = self.get(pose2) return math.sqrt(math.pow(p2["x"] - p1["x"], 2) + \ math.pow(p2["y"] - p1["y"], 2) + \ math.pow(p2["z"] - p1["z"], 2))
[docs] def test_angular_distance(self): """ Small regression test for the computation of angular distances """ d = self.angular_distance assert(abs(d(0.1, -0.1) - (-0.2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(2 * math.pi + 0.1, -0.1) - (-0.2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(0.1, 2 * math.pi -0.1) - (-0.2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(2 * math.pi + 0.1, 2*math.pi -0.1) - (-0.2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-0.1, 0.1) - (0.2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(2 * math.pi - 0.1, 0.1) - (0.2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-0.1, 2 * math.pi + 0.1) - (0.2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(2 * math.pi - 0.1, 2*math.pi + 0.1) - (0.2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(0.1, math.pi + 0.1) - (math.pi)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(0, math.pi) - (math.pi)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(0, -math.pi) - (math.pi)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(0, -math.pi - 0.1) - (math.pi - 0.1)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(0, math.pi - 0.1) - (math.pi - 0.1)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(0, math.pi + 0.1) - (-(math.pi - 0.1))) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(0, -math.pi + 0.1) - (-(math.pi - 0.1))) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-0.1, math.pi) - (-(math.pi - 0.1))) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-0.1, math.pi - 0.1) - (math.pi)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-0.1, math.pi + 0.1) - (-(math.pi-0.2))) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-0.1, -math.pi + 0.1) - (-(math.pi-0.2))) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-0.1, -math.pi - 0.1) - (math.pi)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-math.pi + 0.1, -0.1) - (math.pi-0.2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-math.pi - 0.1, -0.1) - (math.pi)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-math.pi, -0.1) - (math.pi - 0.1)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(0, -math.pi/2) - (-math.pi/2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(0, math.pi/2) - (math.pi/2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(-math.pi/2, 0) - (math.pi/2)) < 0.001) assert(abs(d(math.pi/2, 0) - (-math.pi/2)) < 0.001)
[docs] def angular_distance(self, angle1, angle2): """ Returns the (minimal, oriented) angular distance between two angles *after normalization on the unit circle*. Angles are assumed to be radians. The result is oriented (from angle1 to angle2) and guaranteed to be in range ]-pi, pi]. """ angle1 = self.normalize_angle(angle1) angle2 = self.normalize_angle(angle2) if abs(abs(angle2 - angle1) - math.pi) < 0.001: # handle the case were angle2 - angle1 = -pi # and account for float approximations return math.pi elif abs(angle2 - angle1) < math.pi: return angle2 - angle1 elif angle2 - angle1 > math.pi: return (angle2 - angle1) - 2 * math.pi else: # angle2 - angle1 < -math.pi return (angle2 - angle1) + 2 * math.pi
@staticmethod def _xyz_to_mat44(pos): return transformations.translation_matrix((pos['x'], pos['y'], pos['z'])) @staticmethod def _xyzw_to_mat44(ori): return transformations.quaternion_matrix((ori['qx'], ori['qy'], ori['qz'], ori['qw'])) def _to_mat4(self, pose): return, self._xyzw_to_mat44(pose))
[docs] def inframe(self, pose, frame): """ Transform a pose from one frame to another one. Uses transformation matrices. Could be refactored to use directly quaternions. """ pose = self.get(pose) if pose["frame"] == frame: return pose if pose['frame'] == "map": orig = numpy.identity(4) else: orig = self._to_mat4(self.get(pose["frame"])) if frame == "map": dest = numpy.identity(4) else: dest = numpy.linalg.inv(self._to_mat4(self.get(frame))) pose_matrix = self._to_mat4(pose) transf =, orig) transformedPose =, pose_matrix) qx,qy,qz,qw = transformations.quaternion_from_matrix(transformedPose) x,y,z = transformations.translation_from_matrix(transformedPose) return {"x":float(x), "y":float(y), "z":float(z), "qx":float(qx), "qy":float(qy), "qz":float(qz), "qw":float(qw), "frame": frame}
[docs] def pantilt(self, pose, ref="/base_link"): """ Convert a xyz target to pan and tilt angles from a given viewpoint. :param pose: the target pose :param ref: the reference frame (default to base_link) :returns: (pan, tilt) in radians, in ]-pi, pi] """ pose = self.inframe(pose, ref) pan = self.normalize_angle(numpy.arctan2(pose['y'], pose['x'])) tilt = self.normalize_angle(numpy.arctan2(pose['z'], pose['x'])) return pan,tilt
[docs] def normalize_angle(angle): """ Returns equivalent angle such as -pi < angle <= pi """ angle %= 2 * math.pi# => angle > 0 return float(angle if angle <= math.pi else (-math.pi + angle % math.pi))
[docs] def isin(point,polygon): """ Determines if a 2D point is inside a given 2D polygon or not. :param point: a (x,y) pair :param polygon: a list of (x,y) pairs. Copied from: """ x,y = point n = len(polygon) inside =False p1x,p1y = polygon[0] for i in range(n+1): p2x,p2y = polygon[i % n] if y > min(p1y,p2y): if y <= max(p1y,p2y): if x <= max(p1x,p2x): if p1y != p2y: xinters = (y-p1y)*(p2x-p1x)/(p2y-p1y)+p1x if p1x == p2x or x <= xinters: inside = not inside p1x,p1y = p2x,p2y return inside